Welcome to Manchester & District NARPO

The National Association of Retired Police Officers

"To Serve those


themselves served"



Local Branches






Photo Gallery

NARPO was formed in 1919 as a non-rank organisation in England and Wales
for retired Police Officers and their Widows/Widowers/Partners. Its aim is to
safeguard the rights of members and to promote measures for their welfare, with particular regard to pensions.
      Links have been forged over the years with all major political parties.  Narpo's expertise is recognised Nationally and the Organisation is called
upon for advice and comment on a regular basis by Politicians, Civil Servants and other Staff Associations. At a time when pensions are high on the agenda, Narpo has provided evidence, both written and oral, to a number of Government  enquiries including Hutton and Windsor.
    Locally over the last few years, Narpo has assisted members in Greater Manchester who had their injury pensions reduced automatically at the age of 65 years to win back their former banding.
       Members receive a quarterly Magazine, the "Narpo News", which contains up to date information and advice on pensions and benefits, together with employment opportunities and member offers. The Branch sends out regular
email Newsletters, together with updates concerning information about  colleagues who have sadly departed, as well as local member offers.
  Hard copy Newsletters are also distributed less frequently to those not on email.

    Our 200 Club is a Private Lottery, and participation is therefore restricted to members of NARPO.  Each chance costs £5 permonth, paid by bank standing order.  There are three prizes each month, £300, £200 and £100, and once a year these prizes are increased to £1,000, £400 and £100 respectively.  Further details (i.e. how to pay) are available from the Branch Treasurer.

Membership of Narpo from 1JAN24 is £2·19 per month, which can be deducted directly from your Pension.
  Why not join if you are not a member already?
  Enrolment is online, but don't neglect to print out and sign the declaration and send it to the Branch Secretary.  Start by clicking the logo!
Sign Up!

Regional Chairman John Bamford presents Sandie Wilde with gifts marking her retirement from the National Executive Committee

David Thornton receiving his Life Membership Certificate from Sandie Wilde, Branch Chair and NEC Member


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These pages are maintained(!) by Committee Member Derek Munday; any use of the first person pronoun is a
reference to him and any opinions not attributed to others are his, not necessarily those of the Branch or of
NARPO itself.

The National Association of Retired Police Officers is a company limited by guarantee incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company registration number 15415367. A list of the directors of National Association of Retired Police Officers can be inspected at our registered office: NARPO House, 38 Bond Street, Wakefield WF1 2QP. NARPO is a business name of National Association of Retired Police Officers.